End the inspection stick scam! Support HB649 (2025) – New Hampshire legislation

End the inspection sticker scam!

HB649 passed the House on March 6 on a 212–143 vote!

Thank you to everyone who called and emailed their reps, or used the form we set up to email all 400 of them.  Some reps said they received over 600 emails and it was the largest email campaign this year.  Our efforts definitely made the difference!

The bill now moves onto the Senate, where it will have its first public hearing in the next few weeks.  We’ll be in touch again as soon as we launch that campaign!

The New Hampshire Legislature is set to eliminate mandatory car inspections once and for all!  That means no more regressive $40–50 fee on top of your registration, no more dealing with crooked mechanics holding your car hostage on bogus repair claims, and no more traffic stops for an expired sticker!

The bill is HB649, sponsored by Rep. Michael Granger.  The whole House of Representatives will be voting on the bill today.  If you want to end the car inspection scam, call and email your representatives now!

You can read the bill here and check on its status using GenCourtMobile.  You can also read some positive media coverage here.

Read on to find out how you can help out.  But first…

We did it!  HB649 will hit the whole House with an ought to pass motion!

Our bill was voted on by the Transportation Committee today.  After a debate that went on for half an hour, where multiple motions on the bill were defeated 8–8, the bill will go to the whole House with no official recommendation.  However, Chairman Thomas Walsh was in favor of the bill, so the first motion on the House floor will be ought to pass.

We don’t have a date for the whole House vote yet, but expect it in a week or two.  Until then, here is how you can help out!

Some key takeaways

Our email campaign worked.  Three representatives on the committee admitted they were personally opposed to HB649, but after receiving an “overwhelming” outpouring of support from their constituents, they decided to vote YES on our bill.

The committee is tired of listening to lobbyists and corrupt special interests.  Chairman Walsh recounted a history of trying to fix the current inspection regime—for 12 years now—during which he has met continual resistance from industry lobbyists and mechanics profiting from the inspection scam.  He pointed out that the contractor that supplies the test equipment, Gordon-Darby, has outright refused to implement 2018 changes to the law concerning superficial rust.  Unreasonable resistance to 2024’s HB1637 by N.H. Automobile Dealers Association lobbyists and self-serving mechanics finally pushed him over the edge.  He now opposes the program and supported our bill.

The bill has bipartisan support.  From the exec session, it’s apparent that our strongest supporters are Henry Giasson (R–Hillsborough 29) and Charlie St. Clair (D–Belknap 5), and of course Chairman Walsh (R–Merrimack 10).  Conservatives support this bill because it gets the State out of private business.  Liberals support this bill because it’s a regressive tax and hurts the poor the most.

What next? How can I help out?

First, if you haven’t already, sign up for alerts here!  We’ll be in touch!

The next step is a floor vote by the whole House of Representatives.  This will take place today.  If you want to end this scam, your reps need to hear from you!  Here's what you can do—

  1. Call and email your own representatives and urge them to vote YES on HB649.  Be sure to indicate you are one of their constituents!  If you don’t know who your reps are, you can find out here.

  2. Email the entire House and urge them to vote YES on HB649.  You can now do this using the form here. Today is the floor vote, so it is less likely they will see anymore emails.  Call them if you can!

Remember, we flipped three committee member votes by barraging them with stories of how corrupt car inspections are.  Every single representative now needs to hear this!

Email tips


In the next few days, we’ll be hitting the streets with flyers asking ordinary folks to contact their reps and ask them to support HB649.  If you’d like to help out, here (PDF) is the flyer we are distributing.  It prints perfectly in black and white on 8½×11″ paper.

Flyering tips

Why do we want to get rid of car inspections?

Even experts say it’s time for it to go

Here (PDF) is some excellent testimony from Brian Chase, a retired N.H. State Police sergeant and expert in accident investigation and reconstruction.  Some highlights—

Media coverage

The Soapbox: End NH vehicle inspections.  Derek Proulx, Manchester Ink Link, 2025-03-02.

Former NH state police official: Annual vehicle inspections are unnecessary, profit-driven.  Rick Greene, NHPR, 2025-02-21.

Eliminate vehicle inspections in NH.  Rep. John Sellers, Granite Grok, 2025-02-10.  ▰